I chose the site of the University of Sto. Tomas because it is my dream school way back then. If your will browse the site you will find more about the campus, the history, the courses offered and so on. The website is www.ust.edu.ph
What the site is all about? The site is all about the University of Sto. Tomas. It features the Headlines in their school, the Calendar of Activities of the school, the History, the Map, Admissions, Academics, Research, Library, etc.
Load Speed: The load speed of the site is some how the usual load. It may take 15 seconds for the homepage and 10 for the links.
Multimedia Function: You have to have a Flash Player to watch the videos they uploaded.Navigation: The site is for the students, alumnus and for everyone who want to know about the University. The site is very easy to access, you just have to click the things links above.
Site Consistency: The designs of the site are uniformed. When you click the links of Admissions, Academics, Inside UST, Research and links, you will notice the calendar of activities is in the upper left of the page. The pages has a uniformed colors and designs, but there is only one page that is very unlikely, the library. When you click the link a different form of design will appear
Over All rating: the site is good, i like it. But, when i click the link to the library i got disappointed becuase the site does not look like the homepage, although the address is www.ust.edu.ph/library. The site is always upadated to there news events and other activities.