Sunday, August 31, 2008

Superheroes...after the loading ends

(Due to some technical errors, i could not post any pictures of the site because it always says error when i try to upload the image)

I love comic books, especially Spiderman ones. I've been collecting comic books since i was 9 years old. So i decided, for my Website critique, i would choose a comic book related site:

Upon opening the website, it took my computer around 20 sec to load up the page, upon seeing the page, i was confused on where i wanted to go too first, it's like everything was put in the first page and it was hard because of all the different pictures, animations and news were shown all at the same time. It would take a ton of time though to load if you do not have DSL for your PC.

Fortunately, since the website offers a lot of information on the Marvel Universe, it will be enjoyed by both fans and visitors. The website offers games for kids (, information on superheroes, movie trailers, and a shop offering comics, toys, accessories and gear. also offers forums for people who want to talk about the website.

The website, on my opinion, is an excellent means of information for fans and visitors alike. It also has excellent features like videos and stories, and it also gives complete information on marvel related activities like comic book and movie releases. The comic is also very visual and it is easy exploring all the aspects on it. The only downside is the home page for first time users whereas you will be bombarded with all kinds of information and pictures. Another downside is for viewers who rely on dial up connections, since the page contains a lot of visual materials, loading time will take long. The website gets a high grade because it is really well made and handled. Viewers will most likely spend some time exploring and enjoying the website and its features.

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