Communication plays a terrific role in linking people with one another and so collaborating to achieve phenomenal output. Hundreds of procedures in communicating has been brought to existence and used by man in order come up with more effective and revolutionary results. From an article discussed in class, we have tackled about how communication changed and so reaching its current state in human history. It has given us principles and thoughts on how does the “cyberspace age” plays a role and affects the awareness of each and everyone in the world.
The world has incredibly increased its population and so requires to a huge number of tasks performed by people in order to correspond with the demands of today’s world. The paper is one of the greatest and phenomenal inventions that man uses in order to prolong pro-long the length on their information and making information incredibly accessible to every citizen as well. As the paper is pioneered and becomes globally used, people still required much more rapid and constant communication. Due to this, people have come up with a new era of technology and communication. A medium in which everyone who is capable can communicate tons of information together with the fantastic uses of multimedia. This method can enable people to communicate regardless of their location.
I as an ordinary student, regards the internet as a gigantic source of information. It has helped give out paperwork and researches to my professors in a few minutes without having to go to them and give it literally. It has linked corporate leaders form opposite sides of the globe into working together and give out better opportunities. People from all over the world are then enabled to help collaborate and help each other through online forums. With this method, a single person can sort of influence people in a worldwide basis without having to go into politics for people to listen. All of these matters are made available to people as long as they have a connection.
With all the incredible and fantastic features that cyberspace can carry at rampant terms, the need of the people hasn’t changed. The basic demands of relaying a message, elaborating points and faster reply are still the same centuries ago. We have just improvised and made communication to people far more easier.
i have to agree with all that u said...i love the concept of youtube where u can watch videos easily..even videos that were made centuries think the best contribution of internet has made is that i can connect myself easily to people around the world..i am always amazed by keeps bonds and relationships among friends and families...even find your soulmate online...geez! it's kinda creepy but it also caused problems to some..i guess it just depends on people
"With all the incredible and fantastic features that cyberspace can carry at rampant terms, the need of the people hasn’t changed. The basic demands of relaying a message, elaborating points and faster reply are still the same centuries ago. We have just improvised and made communication to people far more easier."
WOW. That's a really good way of putting it!
You never seize to amaze me, Michael.
I also depend on the internet so much that I seldom go to the library for anything. Usually, borrowing books is my last resort. There's really so much information on the Internet that it makes life a hell of a lot easier.
Also,you are right. The world is rapidly increasing in terms of development and population that there is a need to improve everything in order to cope up with the demands. True, it has become a necessity more so than a commodity.
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