Thursday, August 7, 2008

Surfing Experience

No, this is not about surfing the waves for some insane reason because if you know me, I hate the ocean even if I love the beach.

Anyway, this is about an activity for COMPMED. This is all about my internet surfing experience.

Slow PC, slow internet and don't forget about the Dans Guardian. Those were downsides of internet surfing here in school.

I was just surfing through Multiply and my Blogger, and the PC took too long to respond, maybe because everyone else was using the internet.

Earlier today, I tried to type in the terms "Color wheel" and "Mickey Mouse" over at Google and it took me by surprise that images of those things were banned. BANNED! Why in the world will they ban Mickey Mouse and the Color Wheel?? The terms "Porn" came in. Crazy, ey? It just made me realize that the internet was so nasty than what it really seems to look like.

Those were pretty much my problems while surfing the internet.

There were positive things anyway, I got to check my mail, I got to check my Multiply site and even get to update my Blogger (Yes, I'll be passing this to my Professor and posting it as my blog entry as well). These are just a few things that I can check out of my list for the day.

That, I believe, sums up my experience, for this day alone. :)


DiNa said...

hey, you forgot to mention the VIRUS in each pc! hahaha!

masarapnakamote said...

I hate surfing the net whenever I am in school. Almost every thing's blocked by the damn dans guardian. Shitty computers filled with viruses make the experience hellish.

samchanso said...

There are a lot of ways on improving the computer lab. I just don't know what exactly it is they are waiting for.

Frustrating no? Sometimes I just wanna barge in their offices, grab their PSPs that they hastily put away (HULI KO KAYO AHAHA!), and just ask them to wake up and notice the hassles students have to put up with all day!